North Yorkshire County Council


County Council


Minutes of the remote meeting held on Wednesday, 5th May, 2021 commencing at 10.30 am.


County Councillor Jim Clark in the Chair plus County Councillors Val Arnold, Karl Arthur, Margaret Atkinson, Andrew Backhouse, Robert Baker, Phillip Barrett, Derek Bastiman, David Blades, Phillip Broadbank, Eric Broadbent, Mike Chambers, David Chance, Liz Colling, Richard Cooper, Gareth Dadd, Caroline Dickinson, Stephanie Duckett, Keane Duncan, Caroline Goodrick, Bryn Griffiths, Helen Grant, Michael Harrison, Paul Haslam, Robert Heseltine, David Hugill, David Ireton, David Jeffels, Janet Jefferson, Andrew Lee, Carl Les, Stanley Lumley, Cliff Lunn, Don MacKay, Don Mackenzie, John Mann, Stuart Martin, John McCartney, Zoe Metcalfe, Heather Moorhouse, Patrick Mulligan, Richard Musgrave, Andy Paraskos, Stuart Parsons, Yvonne Peacock, Caroline Patmore, Chris Pearson, Clive Pearson, Joe Plant, Gillian Quinn, Tony Randerson, Janet Sanderson, Karin Sedgwick, Andy Solloway, Peter Sowray, Helen Swiers, Roberta Swiers, Angus Thompson, Cliff Trotter, Callum Walsh, John Weighell, Greg White, Annabel Wilkinson and Robert Windass.


Apologies:      Lindsay Burr, John Ennis, David Goode, Mel Hobson, Andrew Jenkinson and Mike Jordan.



Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book





Election of the Chairman of the County Council


It was moved and seconded that County Councillor Stuart Martin MBE be elected Chairman of the County Council to serve until the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2022.


The vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams.  The motion was declared carried with 58 for, none against and no abstentions.


Resolved -


That County Councillor Stuart Martin MBE is elected Chairman of the County Council, to serve until the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2022.


County Councillor Stuart Martin MBE then made his declaration of acceptance of office of Chairman of the County Council.



County Councillor Stuart Martin MBE in the Chair



The Chairman thanked the Council for his election and it was then moved by him and seconded:


“That this Council places on record its appreciation of the exceptional service rendered to it by County Councillor Jim Clark as Chairman of the County Council for the last two years and places on record its thanks to his consort for their unfailing support given during his term of office.”



Leaders of other political groups spoke in support.


The vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams.  The motion was declared carried with 61 for, none against and no abstentions.


Resolved -


That this Council places on record its appreciation of the exceptional service rendered to it by County Councillor Jim Clark as Chairman of the County Council for the last two years and also places on record its thanks to his consort for their unfailing support given during his term of office.


If the meeting was being held in person, then we would now present County Councillor Jim Clark with a Past Chairman’s badge and a gift for his consort, as a token of appreciation of the Council for all the work that they have done over the past two years.  However, being a remote access meeting it is not possible to do this now and so arrangements will be put in place after today.


County Councillor Jim Clark responded expressing his thanks to all those who had supported him during his time in office.






Minutes of the Committee meeting held on 17 February 2021


It was moved and seconded that the Minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 17 February 2021, having been printed and circulated, are confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


The vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams and the motion was declared carried with 59 for, none against and no abstentions.


Resolved -


That the Minutes of the meeting of the County Council on 21 February 2021, having been printed and circulated, are confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.





Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from County Councillors Lindsay Burr, John Ennis, David Goode, Mel Hobson, Andrew Jenkinson and Mike Jordan.





To elect a Vice-Chairman of the County Council


It was moved and seconded that County Councillor Margaret Atkinson be elected Vice-Chairman of the County Council, to serve until the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2022.


The vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams.  The motion was declared carried with 61 for, none against and no abstentions.


Resolved -


That County Councillor Margaret Atkinson is elected Vice-Chairman of the County Council, to serve until the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2022.





County Councillor Margaret Atkinson then made her declaration of acceptance of office of Vice-Chairman of the County Council and thanked the Council for her appointment.






Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.





Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman welcomed the Honorary Aldermen and members of the public who were watching the live broadcast meeting on the Council’s YouTube channel.


The Chairman informed Members of the usual arrangements for the meeting.


The Chairman noted it was with great sadness that we learned of the death of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh on 9 April 2021.  His Royal Highness dedicated decades of his life to royal duty, serving the nation at the Queen’s side.  He often visited North Yorkshire as part of his royal engagements and also in support of the military in the county.  The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme that he set up and led for many years has had a lasting impact upon the lives of many young people in the county.


On behalf of the Council, the Chairman conveyed sincere condolences to Her Majesty the Queen.


The Chairman noted the untimely death of County Councillor Geoff Webber on 11 March 2021.  County Councillor Webber was first elected to the County Council in 1993, serving until 2001.  He was then re-elected in 2009, serving until 2013, and again in 2017.  He was also a Harrogate Borough Councillor until 2011.  At the County Council he was the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group and a member of many committees, working groups and consultative bodies of the Council.


County Councillor Stuart Martin MBE gave a personal statement and made a number of announcements relating to work that he was doing in his role as Chairman.





To elect a Leader of the Council


It was moved and seconded that County Councillor Carl Les be elected as Leader of the County Council to serve until the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2022.


The vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams.  The motion was declared carried with 62 for, none against and no abstentions.


Resolved -


That County Councillor Carl Les be elected as Leader of the County Council, to serve until the Annual Meeting of the County Council in 2022.





Statement by the Leader of the Council


County Councillor Carl Les made a statement and answered questions, under Council Procedure Rule 2.3, as Leader of the County Council, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appear in the Minute Book (pages 12956 to 12957).





County Councillor Carl Les confirmed the number and appointment of Executive members, the Deputy Leader and the allocation of portfolios and delegation of Executive powers and functions.  No changes were made.





Public Questions or Statements


There were no questions or statements from members of the public.






To consider the report and recommendations of the Executive and make decisions on them


Formal Meetings of the Authority’s Committees from 7 May 2021 onwards


A full report was included in the main agenda.


Appointment to Committees and Other Bodies


The recommendation at paragraph 4.1 of the report (page 12960 of the Minute Book) was moved and seconded.


A vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams.  The motion was declared carried with 62 for, none against and no abstentions.


Resolved -


That Ashley Green be the nominated deputy representative for Healthwatch North Yorkshire on the North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board.






Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies - Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)


The recommendation at paragraph 4.0 of the report (page 12962 of the Minute Book) was moved and seconded.


The vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams.  The motion was declared carried, 62 for, none against and no abstentions.


Resolved -


That the extension of existing appointments to the County Council’s Committees and Outside Bodies (as outlined in Appendix 1 of the report page 12964 of the Minute Book) to the end of the current Council in May 2022 be agreed.


County Councillor Stuart Parsons noted an error in the appendix of the report, detailing Council appointments to outside bodies, and asked that it be rectified.  County Councillor Stuart Parsons is the representative on the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority and County Councillor John McCartney is the representative on the North York Moors National Park Authority.












Formal meetings of the Authority's Committees from 7 May 2021 onwards - Report of the Leader


The recommendation at paragraph 10.0 of the report (page 12971 of the Minute Book) was moved and seconded, having been amended to include a formal review at the meeting of the County Council on 21 July 2021.


The vote was taken using the voting application in Microsoft Teams.  The motion was declared carried, with 60 for, 1 against and 1 abstention.


Resolved -


That it be approved from 7 May 2021:


(a)        the Council continues to hold remote live-broadcast committee meetings, with any formal decisions required being taken by the Chief Executive Officer under his emergency delegated powers;


(b)        that power be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to:


(i)         make any decisions necessary to enable virtual meetings for members to continue (including considering the implications of the existing legal challenge once the judgement has been made),


(ii)        determine which committee meetings should be held virtually and which should be held physically.


(c)        that the Council reviews this position at the meeting of the County Council on 21 July 2021.





Statements of Executive Members, in the order set out below, followed by the Statements of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees


The written statements of the Executive Members and Chairmen of the Scrutiny Board and Overview and Scrutiny Committees having previously been circulated were noted.





County Councillor Don Mackenzie, Executive Member for Access, made a statement, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12974 to 12975) and answered questions.





County Councillor David Chance, Executive Member for Stronger Communities, made a statement, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12976 to 12979).





County Councillor Michael Harrison, Executive Member for Health and Adult Services, made a statement, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12980 to 12981).





County Councillor Caroline Dickinson, Executive Member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing, made a statement, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12982 to 12984) and answered questions.





County Councillor Andrew Lee, Executive Member for Open to Business, made a statement and answered questions.  A summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12986 to 12987).






County Councillor Greg White, Executive Member for Library, Customer and Community Services, made a statement, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12988 to 12992).





County Councillor Gareth Dadd, Executive Member for Finance and Assets and Special Projects, made a statement, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12994 to 12995).





County Councillor Janet Sanderson, Executive Member for Children’s Services, made a statement, a summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12996 to 12997).





County Councillor Patrick Mulligan, Executive Member for Education and Skills, made a statement and answered questions.  A summary of the key points of which had previously been circulated and which appears in the Minute Book (pages 12998 to 12999).





The written statements of the Chairmen of the Scrutiny Board and the Overview and Scrutiny Committees having previously been circulated, and which appear in the Minute Book (pages 13000 to 13013).















Notices of Motion


No Notices of Motion were received within the deadline.






Council Procedure Rule 10 Questions


There were no Council Procedure Rule 10 questions.


The meeting closed at 12:10pm.








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